Every single world cup it is the same. I write down the date of the first game in my diary (well, truth be told I write down the exact date and time of EVERY game in my diary) - but what I always always forget is that the teams play warm up matches in the fortnight before the tournament proper. Far from being meaningless friendlies - these games, for once, are actually really worth something. Players playing for their places, partnerships tested and the team finding its feet and discovering a pattern of play that it will take into the tournament. I love pre-World Cup friendlies; and I am sat in front of England's first one tonight. Glass of Malbec to hand, for the South American vibe, too. Today England are playing against Peru - a team close to my heart because of the awesome road trip I did there in 2012 . It is a country that is better at serving chicken feet in soup than it is at football, but a decent test nonetheless. We should win of course, but are doing a pretty good...
View and opinion on the FIFA World Cup from both sides of the Atlantic. We know England won't win, but deep down there's that glimmer of hope.