4 years has passed and it is time to dust off the World Cup Wonderland blog! Last weekend the Premier League season came to a close, and I altruistically declared to the missus, "there you go love, no more football, the season is over". She was delighted of course, but seems to have since expressed a good deal of consternation about the 4 playoff matches and Europa League final that I've consumed in the 5 days since then.. Still, it is good practice for both of us with the relentless and endless summer-long supply of footy to come from Russia next month. The England 23 has been announced, and whilst it doesn't bring a huge excitement, it at least omits some of the players I most detest; and more importantly has a real feel of being untainted by past failures. More on the squad in posts between now and the kick off...which is, count them, exactly 4 weeks away. I will be in touch with Stevey C - who writes more entertainingly than I, to haul him on board. We wil...
View and opinion on the FIFA World Cup from both sides of the Atlantic. We know England won't win, but deep down there's that glimmer of hope.