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Semi excited

Writing after the Dutch semi-final... Birchy, hats off to your predo at the outset of the tournament.... would have got a decent price at that pt for a NL v ESP final.

Many random thoughts from another engaging game....

- Had taken the day off (and tomorrow) to devote to the games... only to be met with a NYC heatwave. 103 degrees meant I did not leave my air conditioned man cave, but suspect it was nuts (and sweaty) in the Dutch bars in town
- There's another party in Ruud's hotel room tonight
- Did all of the goalkeepers review "Diego Forlan, the Man Utd years" when researching their Uruguayan opponents? This is the only explanation for every goal he has scored this summer being the result of goalies thinking.... "ahh, he's not going to score from there......sshiiiittt!" Kudus though for being the only player to really tame the Jubalani
- The Dutch starting to actually look like the Dutch for 20 mins in the second half, with Van de Vaart in the team. Back to German efficiency for the final...
- I don't like Robin Van Persie. Maybe the lone striker is not his position, but he looks shit and ineffective. What is more telling though is his reluctance to go over and celebrate with his teammates after they score....
- Gooooooooooooooooooooooooal of the tournament. A willneverhappenagainifItrythat100times belter from Van Bronckhorst...absolutely tremendous. (now, if I was pulling for the team and my captain scored a goal like that I would go nuts! RVP didn't seem all that arsed to be honest)
- Less theatrics from Robben. Well done son. And a very good header.
- All round panic in the last couple of minutes when the Dutch thought they were going to blow it

That's about it - a deserved win, but great effort by the sole Sth Americans left in. They're underdogs for Sunday, whoever they will play, but trying to get a plane ticket and join the 50,000 people in Museumplein for the weekend is this weeks must have fun accessory!

If you don't believe me, check this out - Brilliant!


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