I made a classic World Cup faux-pas this morning, in an attempt to reassure and comfort an ever-patient wife that the purgatory (5 weeks of constant football) of the World Cup was easing.
Me: Good news love, tonight is the last night where there would be back-to-back fixtures of an evening!
Wife: Oh, really?
That got me thinking
Me: hmm, I wonder if the round of 16 is in fact 2 games per night. Let me quickly check of the wallchart. Oh, yes sorry - actually the round of 16 is doubled up too, so that takes us to next Tuesday..
Wife: Riiight.
Me: crap, maybe the Quarters are like that too? Let me check. Oh, ok. Sweetheart there's 2 x games on in the evenings right through until, and including Sat 5th July.
Wife: You're an idiot.
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